15 Feb 2012

ITEM: Are you an aspiring ink artist looking to have your samples reviewed/critiqued? Post them at the new Inkwell Awards Artist Alley Forum here at the website where professional artists Jay Leisten and Michael W. Kellar are available to do so! This replaces our old forum (that replaced the P.J. Magalhaes inkers.org forum), now archived, with Sarah L. Covert as the new moderator with Damon Owens stepping down after years of moderating the old venue.

Please register and sign up NOW!

ITEM: The 2012 Inkwell Awards nominations have been submitted, tallied and validated! Here are the Nomination Committee members this time around and they deserve an enthusiastic round of applause! Public ballots will go live at our website homepage on May 1-15.  The Heroes Comic Con will take place June 22-24.  The Awards Ceremony has not yet been scheduled.  We will keep you posted.